A new product-The RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi


The “RTL Service” Company Group releases a brand-new product – the RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi as a part of the RealTrac system development. It provides intelligent wireless data transmission network for various industrial and mining enterprises. The use of wireless technologies eliminates the need for wired communication cables, and the high network transmission capacity increases the possible amount of the data transferred.

Keen interest of the partners, our deep expertise, and awareness of the fact that we are the best in the sphere - encouraged us to launch the new RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi as soon as possible.

Timur Poltorykhin, “The RTL Service” Group COO
The wireless network is based on the Wi-Fi technology. Enterprises can use different pieces of equipment that support this technology; they can also receive and deliver data from different systems. For instance, video surveillance and telephony systems can be connected; laptops, tablet PC-s and smartphones of the personnel can be integrated into a single wireless network.

Schema RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi

The network has a mesh topology (MESH) that offers huge opportunities such as self-repair, self-adaptation of a wireless network depending on changing operating conditions. Thus, it provides high fault tolerance and helps to implement the RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi faster and more efficiently in comparison with wireless network solutions for manufactures.

The architecture of the RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi while being successfully implemented in mining and manufacturing industries in Russia and the CIS demonstrates its comparative advantages over other Wi-Fi solutions.

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