Vehicle collision or cargo falling detection

Vehicle collision or cargo falling detection

Personal, vehicle and built-in tags of the RealTrac local positioning system are equipped with the accelerometer that helps to detect all sharp deviations along the XYZ axis.

It helps to detect and record the following accidents:

  • Collision with any obstruction not equipped with the tag (wall, column, stairs or any other construction within the premises);

  • Collision with the obstruction that is equipped with the tag:

    • The vehicle tag detects a collision with the other vehicle;
    • The personal tag detects a collision with the personnel
  • The cargo falling (if the deviation along the axis has happened in a place free of any constructions or people or vehicles).

Vehicle collision or cargo falling detection

Due to the detection of the obstruction, personnel, equipment collision and cargo falling from the load lifter, the system manager receives a warning about the accident. Since all the tags are attached to the employees or the vehicles, you can get a detailed information about the accident and trace its origin.

Actions that may cause collisions or cargo falling:

  1. Violation of speed limits;
  2. Dangerous maneuvers;
  3. Moving without a driver;
  4. Deliberate property damage and vandalism;
  5. Lack of attention.

The information received can be used later on for the assessment of the employee’s actions during the accident.



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Phone: +41 (91) 228-05-29

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