RealTrac Positioning

RealTrac Positioning

The RealTrac real-time locating system is produced in order to provide positioning, localization and tracking the people, equipment and other objects within the premises or in open areas, wherever the use of global navigation systems is impossible or inefficient.

Positioning accuracy is approx 1 meter.

Advantages of the RealTrac system

Tasks solved by the system

Personnel and labor safety

  • Personnel safety at hazardous facilities;

  • Automatic signals about man down cases and/or unfavorable ambient conditions (such as methane level in underground mine or other harmful gas concentration in the workplace;

  • Collision awareness between vehicles and personnel;

  • Broadcasting emergency alerts to personnel and operator.

Time management and increasing the efficiency

  • Tracking personnel movements throughout the premises;

  • Monitoring the personnel stay in work and rest areas;

  • Search tool for personnel, objects and machinery;

  • Personnel work time control.

Low cost of implementation

Low cost of implementation

The cost of the RTLS system is 3-4 times lower than the one of the similar systems on the market.

Single infrastructure for the area and accurate positioning system

Ability to combine zonal, precise and global positioning

Upgrading the zonal positioning system to precise positioning without changing the hardware.

Integrated management and software system

The unified management system and software

An operator and manager work in one informational space. The availability of API enables data transmission from RealTrac System to other accounting systems for receiving more accurate data about various business processes. 

Upgrading the system without re-equipment

Upgrading the RTLS and IPS system without re-equipment

Simple switching between area and accurate positioning without changing the existing infrastructure due to the fact that the RealTrac system is a scalable one.

Flexible license policy for the customers

A flexible license policy for clients and partners

We cater the needs of our clients and partners and therefore propose a flexible license policy for successful implementation of your project.

Possible applications  

Petroleum and gas industries (UpStream, MidStream, DownStream)

Petroleum and gas industries (UpStream, MidStream, DownStream)

Transport industry (subway, land transport, parking, garage, etc.)

Transport industry (subway, land transport, parking, garage, etc.)

Types of RealTrac Object Positioning System

RealTrac Positioning includes 4 types of object positioning:

Zonal Positioning

Zonal Positioning

This type is based on technologies for a local positioning. The object positioning is carried out within a positioning anchor radio visibility. Minimum one anchor is required for zonal positioning.

Technology: BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

Accuracy: +/- 20 m

Positioning: within closed premises and outdoors in limited area.

Tag performance: up to 2 years

Application area:

  • underground mining
  • construction
  • logistics
  • industrial production
  • offices

Precise Positioning

Precise Positioning

This type is also based on local positioning technologies.  The object positioning is carried out within area restricted by anchors. For more accurate positioning minimum 3 anchors are required, since we use the triangulation principle for positioning.

Technology: UWB (Ultra-wide band)

Accuracy: 0,1* - 3 m

Positioning: within closed premises and outdoors in limited area.

Tag performance: up to 48h

*** - Accuracy up to 10 cm. can be achieved only in specific service conditions and room layout. 

Application area:

  • underground mining
  • construction
  • logistics
  • industrial production
  • offices

Global Positioning

Global Positioning

This type is based on satellite positioning technologies. The benefit is a wide range of various subscriber units and limitless application area for indoor and outdoor positioning.

Technology: GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) GPS / GLONASS / BeiDou / Galileo / IRNSS

Accuracy: 2-6 m

Positioning: minimum 3 satellites visibility required for outdoor positioning (5-7 satellites ensure the best operation conditions).

Tag performance: up 48 h.

Application area:

  • open cast mining
  • industrial production
  • logistics
  • transport

Hybrid positioning

Hybrid positioning

The technology encompasses all the benefits of the local and global positioning while minimizing the limitations of other two positioning technologies. The hardware for hybrid positioning can be used as for local positioning as well for global positioning and vice versa, depending on radio signal availability.

Technology: BLE, UWB, GNSS

Accuracy: 0,1* - 6 m. 

Positioning: within the premises and in open area.

Tag performance: up 48 h.

Application area:

  • underground mining
  • open cast mining
  • industrial production
  • logistics
  • offices
  • transport

System components


RealTrac Application Server
RealTrac Application Server

Receives data from access points or personal tags, processes and stores it.

RealTrac Application Web
RealTrac Application Web

Software that processes data received from the server.


RealTrac Tag
Tag rtls realtrac

Tag is a portable device that is a part of unified management information system. It provides personnel positioning, voice and data transmission.

  • Portable.

A standalone device with a built-in battery that can be attached to the belt, chest or shoulder.

  • Built-in.

Can be embedded in other equipment, such as battery compartment of the head lighting.

RealTrac AP
Access point rtls realtrac

Access Point provides data transmission between tags and other access points and transfers it to the server.

Order presentation of the system RealTrac



* - required fields



RealTrac International

Via Cetta 8
Ponte Capriasca, CH-6946, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (91) 228-05-29

RealTrac Europe

Novi Sad, Serbia

We are in social networks:

RealTrac International in LinkedIn RealTrac International in Google+ RealTrac International in Youtube RealTrac International in Instagram

Selected country: Zimbabwe
RealTrac Technologies

© RealTrac International 2007 - 2025. All rights reserved.