The Future of UWB Technology and IEEE 802.15.4z

The Future of UWB Technology and IEEE 802.15.4z 21.02.2019

UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) is a wireless ultra-broadband data transmission technology that provides:

  • maintenance of high data transfer rates;

  • object positioning with an accuracy of 2 cm;
  • high level of information security;

  • significant reducing of energy consumption;

The key benefit of the technology is the high-speed data transmission via radio channel.

UWB technology is based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which is used to combine sensors and actuators into a single wireless network. The IEEE 802.15.4z version of this standard is designed to significantly expand the range of UWB applications in the near future.

UWB Alliance

UWB Alliance was established in 2018 in order to develop UWB technology and IEEE 802.15.4z standard. Сompanies like Apple, Hyundai, Kia, Zebra, Decawave, Alteros, Novelda and Ubisense are among the founding members of the alliance.

The alliance is aimed to develop worldwide the ultra-broadband technologies and to work out the requirements and regulations for promoting the use of the technology in various industries, products and solutions.

Our company is developing UWB technology in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, using this technology to position objects in RealTrac Positioning and RealTrac Collision Awareness System.

Application UWB

We already use UWB technology to prevent collisions between machinery and personnel. It is also applied for indoor personnel and asset tracking.

UWB is particularly efficient in solving safety tasks as, for example, in RealTrac system for mining and processing companies, logistics and industrial plants, where safety issues are especially important.

Development prospects UWB

In 2022-2024, upon completion of IEEE 802.15.4z standard development, UWB technology will be more actively used both in the mass market and in business solutions. This will happen due to spread of the IEEE 802.15.4z standard and the emergence of UWB-chips embedded in smartphones and other mobile devices. This should provide transmission of large amounts of information between devices. For example, UWB can be used as a wireless HD video transmission technology.

Use for Positioning and Distinctions from Other Positioning Technologies.

Today, the most spread positioning technologies are those operating with the help of global navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou). At the same time, it is well known that satellite technologies provide objects positioning only in open areas. According to statistics, only 13% of the time people spend outdoors or at the wheel. Therefore, other technologies are needed to track movements indoors or underground, especially when it comes to personnel monitoring and enhancing enterprise security. 

Such wireless technologies as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, active RFID and others are meeting the challenges of indoor positioning. They all have their own specifics, benefits and disadvantages depending on the application.

Among all existing technologies the most promising and universal one is UWB ultra-wideband technology. Because it is the only one that combines the benefits of accuracy, speed, safety and cost-efficiency.

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