Blog RealTrac International company

RealTrac Releases New Version 4.3 of the Positioning System: Enhanced Capabilities and Improvements

RealTrac, a leading developer of precise positioning solutions, has announced the release of version 4.3 of the RealTrac Positioning System. This update introduces significant improvements aimed at increasing system accuracy, expanding its functionality, and enhancing the user experience.

New personal device PROD TAG 730 with support for data transmission via LTE and LORA

RealTrac is proud to announce the launch of its new personal device - PROD TAG 730 Hybrid Tag. This device has been designed to provide reliable and accurate positioning of personnel both in open areas and inside buildings, making it an ideal solution for various areas of activity.

Release of a new version of PROD POINT 520 access point

We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of PROD POINT 520 access point, which is a part of RealTraс local positioning system. This access point is a logical continuation of the system development within version 4.

RealTrac International will take part in Mining Türkiye 2024 exhibition

RealTrac International will take part in Mining Türkiye 2024 exhibition

RealTrac International will take part in Mining Türkiye 2024, which will be held in Turkey from 2 to 5 May 2024.

At the exhibition will be presented the developments on positioning of personnel and vehicles. Also the collision awareness system. 

RealTrac International took part in the Electra Mining Africa 2022 exhibition

RealTrac International took part in the Electra Mining Africa 2022 exhibition

RealTrac International took part in the Electra Mining Africa 2022 exhibition, which was held from 5 to 9 September 2022 in Johannesburg, South Africa. A demo zone was set up at the exhibition, where solutions in the field of personnel and equipment positioning, as well as collision avoidance systems for mining facilities were presented.

Successful test. Norilsk Nickel highly appreciated the functionality of the positioning and collision awareness system

Successful test. Norilsk Nickel highly appreciated the functionality of the positioning and collision awareness system

RealTrac Technologies conducted a successful pilot operation of the RealTrac Positioning and RealTrac Collision Awareness System in the territory of the Murmansk Transport Branch of Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Plant, PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the MTB). The tests confirmed the system applicability for the MTB and its compliance with the stated requirements.

Object Positioning Types. The Application of Each Positioning Technology

Various positioning systems are now used in all sectors of the economy. By locating and tracking facilities, companies are able to monitor people and machinery, ensure process safety and improve business efficiency. 

RealTrac Positioning now includes LoRa data transmission technology

RealTrac Positioning now includes LoRa data transmission technology

RealTrac’s product for industrial security – RealTrac Positioning now features hardware based on LoRa technology. The new positioning hardware for personal use -  the tracker PROD TAG 710 and the base station LoRa. This enables to position personnel in industrial premises with accuracy up to 3 meters and transmit positioning data from tracker to base station at a distance up to 3 km.

The Future of UWB Technology and IEEE 802.15.4z

The Future of UWB Technology and IEEE 802.15.4z

UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) is a wireless ultra-broadband data transmission technology that provides:

  • maintenance of high data transfer rates;

  • object positioning with an accuracy of 2 cm;

  • high level of information security;

  • significant reducing of energy consumption;

The key benefit of the technology is the high-speed data transmission via radio channel.

UWB technology is based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which is used to combine sensors and actuators into a single wireless network. The IEEE 802.15.4z version of this standard is designed to significantly expand the range of UWB applications in the near future.

RealTrac Technologies. A Strong Name for a Strong Brand.

RTL Service announced its name change to RealTrac Technologies. The company rebranded itself as RealTrac Technologies in an effort to optimize the promotion expenses and foster the company’s operation on international market. The rebranding will protect the company from unfair business practices in Russian and CIS markets.

Lean Manufacturing: Basics and Outcome

The concept of Lean Manufacturing is based on the ideas of Toyota car manufacturing system. The key principles of lean manufacturing are reduction of all costs, optimization of production; involving employees in the process of enhancing enterprise efficiency. Virtually, implementation of lean manufacturing can boost labor productivity by up to 400% during the first year. Using even one of its principles can increase the efficiency of the enterprise by 30-50%.

RTL Service Releases a New Version of RealTrac Security System

RTL Service Releases a New Version of RealTrac Security System

In the new version of RealTrac, our team has implemented a number of significant changes, including innovative ones.

Among them: 3D positioning, a single interface for displaying positioning within the premises and in open areas, SCADA logic and a new report designer.

RTL Service takes part in the project AutoNet 2.0

RTL Service takes part in the project AutoNet 2.0

The corresponding agreement was signed with the AutoNet working group. This cooperation will allow RTL Service to offer their own solutions in the areas of precise location positioning, Internet of things, voice communication and collision avoidance for AutoNet 2.0.

“RTL Service” Group of Companies presents a new product – “RealTrac Collision Avoidance”

“RealTrac Collision Avoidance” can control possibly dangerous proximity between vehicles, equipment, and personnel and can issue warnings in case of increasing danger level. Also, RealTrac Collision Avoidance is able to stop a vehicle when it detects extremely dangerous proximity.

The RTL Service Group introduced a solution for underground and surface mining

During the “UGOL ROSSII AND MINING  2017” exhibition the company introduced  voice communication and data transmission solution for surface mining and also GPS/GLONASS personnel and vehicle positioning solution for open pits and strip mines.

The equipment of the RealTrac system is divided into three product lines

The equipment of the RealTrac system is divided into three product lines

Customer care is the main priority of the company and it resulted in dividing the equipment into three groups with the standardized names – from now on all the equipment is classified by the area it is used in, that significantly facilitates the choice for the customers.

Security and human resource management in open pits

Open pits, like any other mining industry, imply an increased risk for the personnel and the others. In order to reduce these risks and increase the labor efficiency, modern mining companies are taking various measures nowadays:

  • Personnel control - gives answers to such questions as;
  • Equipment control;
  • Visitors (incl. visitors from other companies) control;
  • Compliance with safety requirements control.

Until recently, it all required the use of different system in open pits: access control, video surveillance, Record Journals and many other.

RTL Service Ltd, Took Part in Embedded World 2017 International Exhibition

RTL Service Ltd, Took Part in Embedded World 2017 International Exhibition

The experts of the company presented to the potential customers and partners the RealTrac Local Positioning and Communication product, and also learned about solutions of their competitors and innovative technologies.

Embedded World is the largest international exhibition and conference dedicated to technical solutions based on the embedded systems, as well as industrial electronics, microelectronics and microprocessor technology. The event is aimed at representatives of all industries and has been organized in 2017 already for the 15th time, beating the last year's record on the occupied area and the number of participants.

A new product-The RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi

A new product-The RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi

The “RTL Service” Company Group releases a brand-new product – the RealTrac Industrial Wi-Fi as a part of the RealTrac system development. It provides intelligent wireless data transmission network for various industrial and mining enterprises. The use of wireless technologies eliminates the need for wired communication cables, and the high network transmission capacity increases the possible amount of the data transferred.

New Year greetings: results of 2016 and plans for 2017

New Year greetings: results of 2016 and plans for 2017

The release of the RealTrac 3.0 real time location system has become the key event of 2016 for the "RTL Service" Group. In the framework of the system development we have rejected outdated technologies and have created a brand-new product that combines a built-up type of configuration and cutting-edge technology of positioning, voice and data transmissions.

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RealTrac International

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Phone: +41 (91) 228-05-29

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Novi Sad, Serbia

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