The RTL Service Group introduced a solution for underground and surface mining


During the “UGOL ROSSII AND MINING  2017” exhibition the company introduced  voice communication and data transmission solution for surface mining and also GPS/GLONASS personnel and vehicle positioning solution for open pits and strip mines.

In addition to the introduction of an up-to-date proprietary solution, The RTL Service Group organized a conference dedicated to the subject of «Providing Safety and Compliance with Legislation Requirements for underground and surface mining with the help of personnel and object positioning systems”.

The representatives of major Russian mining companies were among 20 participants of the conference that took place on June, 8th. During the course of 1-hour event, Eugene Parfyonov, the project manager of “ELVEES NeoTek” JSC and Valery Machulov, the CDO of the RTL Service Group, presented their reports.

Valery Machulov, in his turn, placed emphasis on providing safety and increasing the efficiency of working hours with the help of personnel positioning systems and introduced a single information space solution based on the technology of industrial Wi-Fi.

Валерий Мачулов, Директор по развитию ГК «РТЛ Сервис»

Valery Machulov has shared his impressions about the event: "Judging by keen response of the audience at the "RTL Service" booth, numerous clarification questions right after the reports and later on, these products are in high demand not just in terms of compliance with legislation requirements but also in terms of improving business efficiency in the mining industry. The use of local positioning systems is a necessity caused by the market requirements since its use can become a great competitive advantage”.

Valery Machulov, Chief Development Officer (CDO) RTL Service Limited

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