RealTrac International took part in the Electra Mining Africa 2022 exhibition


RealTrac International took part in the Electra Mining Africa 2022 exhibition, which was held from 5 to 9 September 2022 in Johannesburg, South Africa. A demo zone was set up at the exhibition, where solutions in the field of personnel and equipment positioning, as well as collision awareness systems for mining facilities were presented.

The personnel and equipment positioning system allows solving the tasks of meeting the requirements in the field of labor protection and industrial safety. The solution also helps to reduce the risks of hazardous situations at enterprises and increase the overall level of awareness of potentially dangerous events. So, the positioning system allows you to always know where the personnel is, as well as notify the operator of the mining site and work safe protection manager about being in the hazardous area of the process equipment. For example, entering a hazardous area of operation of a crushing machine, conveyor and other equipment that can harm the health of personnel. If an employee detects the emergency case, he is able, by pressing a button on a personal tag, initiate a notification that he visually observes any dangerous situation on the miming site. Identification of such incidents at the initial stages allows to be localized as quickly as possible and minimize the damage to the equipment and assets of the mining enterprise.

RealTrac International took part in the Electra Mining Africa 2022 exhibition

The system for preventing collisions between equipment and collisions of mining vehicles with personnel, presented at the exhibition, can significantly reduce the risk of such incidents. Thus, the system promptly notifies all participants in a dangerous approach about reducing the distance to a critical level, which allows them to increase their vigilance and take actions to prevent a collision of equipment and a collision with personnel.

Within the framework of the exhibition, several meetings were held with solution integrators and representatives of mining companies. As a result of these meetings, agreements were reached on testing and developing various projects for the implementation of solutions to ensure labor protection.

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