Access level control

Access control in the RealTrac local positioning system is exercised on the basis of geo-fencing

Each room or area has its own geo-fence attached to the system software. The geo-fence provides information on the group of employees authorized to attend this area and the ones who are not.

When the prohibited area is violated, the system triggers a warning to the system operator. The time of entrance or exit is fixed by the RealTrac system, and so the system report lets you know the number of violations and how much time an employee has spent there.

Access level control

The positioning system can send a warning on a personal tag and if an employee has violated the prohibited area accidentally, he/she can leave it immediately.

This function helps to create zones dangerous for the personnel and to detect when they are crossed. Thus, you can issue a warning to an employee that he/she has entered the prohibited area; and to send him/her a report on safe ways of evacuation provided that the voice communication is available.



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