Scheme of the local positioning system RealTrac
Software RealTrac system consists of:
The server part of the software of the local positioning system RealTrac.
The problem is solved RealTrac Application Server:
The RealTrac Application Server provides the following information:
Client (tower) of the local positioning system interface RealTrac.
The functional interface:
Client software and the RealTrac server provide location data transferring both in local and global coordinates. The system supports several common map projections including the Mercator WGS 84 projection. Other projections can be implemented on request.
Information on the objects location can be displayed on the floor plan (including displaying multi-storey buildings), on the global electronic maps in browser (for example, Yandex.Maps or Google Maps), Google Earth or any other GIS (examples of program shells are shown in the figures below). Other chart display and information systems are available on request.
RealTrac International
Novi Sad, Serbia
All solutions
Underground Mining
Open Cast Mining
Custom development